Complex Trauma / PTSD / Trauma Informed Therapy
Traumatic events can happen, but they don’t have to define who you are. You are not your trauma. You are not what happened to you.
You are not the result of all your bad experiences or situations in life. You are so much more than that.

What does therapy look like?
My approach is compassionate and holistic. The purpose of the therapy is first to understand how trauma impacts the nervous system and the body, overall sense of self, safety and well-being. When the client begins to understand the brain’s response when triggered and how the body reacts, we then incorporate techniques to support clients. After clients regulate their nervous system and reconnect with their bodies, it is possible to resolve trauma related symptoms, promoting healing and integration.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
After laying the groundwork to better understand how trauma effects the brain, a science-based approach called Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) can promote healing. There is no change to the memory of what happened, but in how the brain stores the memory. This allows the client to greatly reduce negative feelings perceptions and beliefs about what happened. Many of my clients have radically diminished the impact of trauma in their lives in only a few sessions.

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Learn More About EMDR
Watch this video introduction to learn more my EMDR Therapy techniques.